Monday, 30 January 2012

finished animation

This is my final out come and i know there are still flaws with the main walk and im not very happy with the skip i just couldnt get it to look reaslistic, i enjoyed doing the expressions.

Friday, 27 January 2012

17 seconds and counting

There is a slight problem with jittering and i can tell that somewhere there needs to be more connecting frames, so i wil work on making the stamp more pronounced.

Monday, 23 January 2012

second part of animation

This is where his falls into the game world and i had alot more problems animating because of the strange effects the rotation tool had on the size and scale of my indiviual joints. Never the less its by far my favourite it as i really liked moving the close up of the spider. I also found some sprites that were really useful and resembled the mario world abit more. looking back on it i can see there are some contarunity errors but i couldnt seem to get that pixel look in photoshop

My first second on video in after effects

As ollie is also known as a skate boarding trick i would use that as the opening credit for my video, so its like a play on words. I gave it a brick background to have contrast between the rest of the backgrounds.

It starts off fairly boring with him sitting down drawing them comes across a tunnel and falls down, the reason why the puppet used for the falling down the tunnel isnt quite up to scale with the real body of ollie is because i wanted to show him changing and shrinking to become less real so the tunbel shot it my transition between absolute photos and the  video character.

Props for animation

I made some props and other items for my character to interact with in the clip so that it would be fairly interesting and have some movement to it.

with these touches it kind of reminds me a the real mario games, i also added a ship from one of his other favourite games called battle skies arcadia ... so there is a small homarge in the for that too.

Final background designs for animation

The story of my digital skills revolves around starting off very realistic and then falling into make believe computer environment. So for the first couple of back grounds i used photos of ollie's favorite place which is the woods/ fields etc. I did cut them into seprate layers as i would have like to give it a more 3 D effect to them, but i couldnt get the hang of that particular effect. next time i will when i have more time make sure i know how to use it.\

These are all screen shoots of my other backgrounds i produced in photoshop, as ollie's favorite past time was drawing and playing games i wanted to show that in my clip, so i had him fall into a virtual world of mario. They are basic and not too detailed but in the old games they were very pixelated and low quality too so i wanted to keep some what to the old fashion style to show the difference between the real and game world.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

quick time on puddle

I can see that there need to be a more of a pause in between puddle splashes so that it doesnt look too rushed and give it more of a reaction which i will be working on next.

continuation of walking

Im still trying to iron out the flaws to this bit where he interacts with the puddle