Monday 23 January 2012

Final background designs for animation

The story of my digital skills revolves around starting off very realistic and then falling into make believe computer environment. So for the first couple of back grounds i used photos of ollie's favorite place which is the woods/ fields etc. I did cut them into seprate layers as i would have like to give it a more 3 D effect to them, but i couldnt get the hang of that particular effect. next time i will when i have more time make sure i know how to use it.\

These are all screen shoots of my other backgrounds i produced in photoshop, as ollie's favorite past time was drawing and playing games i wanted to show that in my clip, so i had him fall into a virtual world of mario. They are basic and not too detailed but in the old games they were very pixelated and low quality too so i wanted to keep some what to the old fashion style to show the difference between the real and game world.

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