Thursday 3 November 2011

First Lip Sync with SOUND !

Thank God for lovely people ! Today I finally managed to have a look though my lip sync with the sound attached, and for a first attempt I was pleasantly surprised. The mouth moves is in roughly the right places although I think the beginning needs some work, some of the sounds and movements don't match up.

I'll give it to Andy he wasn't lying about the dope sheet helping out, I doubt i would have done half as well if i hadn't have used one! I did find it hard to scrub though the sound to find out when the words start and what mouth movements to use for the sound of the word, not the letters of the word. I have noticed that on the last AH of pajamas the snap at the end should be quicker !

This is my lip sync without sound. I do realise that they way I shot it was bad and there is a gap between paper and background. There is a reason I ran out of paper so I was using other peoples but they had there holes in different places so the paper kind of moves around. I thought of zooming in on the face and cutting out the problem that way, but I like the effect I get with the whole body. Plus I spent a lot of time on the body and would be a shame to waste it just yet. In future I might just zoom in on the face. I just wanted to show that i had thought about the whole body of the character and its movements.

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