Wednesday 16 November 2011

Second attempt at lip sync

After some feedback from Andy and a little word from Ron, I decided to go back and redo my lip sync but this time only using a 3 quater view of the body. I do realise now that there was no relation between the body and the emotion in the voice, the arms were just moving spradiclally and did not reflect the emotion or the works that the character was saying.

I also decided that he wouldnt be so angry as the last time, and try to keep the facial expressions more constant and reconisable. I decided to cut down on doing so much with the arms as it was distracting and time consuming, especially when it doesnt serve a purpose for this exercise. As it wasnt portraying the acting of emotion.

I tried to think back to the acting class to see what i would be doing and moving if i were to say these words. Hopefully the facial expressions are easier to understand this time around.

Analyising this video there are some obvious flaws, half way through the body kind of jolts, shoulders need more transistion. So before i worry about anything else i will try to sort out these problems first. I was worried that the body would be too still and rigid but it still has some movement which im pleased about. 

The reason i decided to cut down on the movement was because i found it was too much and wasnt effective so i didnt need to, i just found while animating that after a few frames i thought it might be boring so the urge to contiue to move the character got the better of me but this time i resisted the urge and it turned out much better.

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